Youri Spaninks-Amaro

Youri Spaninks-Amaro is an architect and co-founder of
19X STUDIO, an architecture collective based in Lisbon, Portugal.
During the time he lived in Eindhoven, Istanbul, Toulouse and Barcelo-
na he had several jobs as architecture intern, graphic designer and
even as a janitor, experiencing different cultures that defined his inter-
est about urban culture, fashion and music. Youri has been involved in
the skate scene on Portugal since the early 2000’s until today, which
gave an enormous contribution to his interest and study on urban
issues. Often invited as a speaker in conferences concerning matters
related with the city’s built environment, he is a keen speaker and
interested in other (complementary) fields of knowledge - sociology,
engineering and parametric design - which he tries to connect with
architecture and urban planning. Youri has been developing projects
in several different areas becoming recently curator for events such as
TEDxULisboa on 2020. Currently he is an investigator at Universidade
de Lisboa where he attends a PhD in Urbanism, dividing his life
between Lisbon and Barcelona, while practicing architecture at 19X
19X STUDIO, an architecture collective based in Lisbon, Portugal.
During the time he lived in Eindhoven, Istanbul, Toulouse and Barcelo-
na he had several jobs as architecture intern, graphic designer and
even as a janitor, experiencing different cultures that defined his inter-
est about urban culture, fashion and music. Youri has been involved in
the skate scene on Portugal since the early 2000’s until today, which
gave an enormous contribution to his interest and study on urban
issues. Often invited as a speaker in conferences concerning matters
related with the city’s built environment, he is a keen speaker and
interested in other (complementary) fields of knowledge - sociology,
engineering and parametric design - which he tries to connect with
architecture and urban planning. Youri has been developing projects
in several different areas becoming recently curator for events such as
TEDxULisboa on 2020. Currently he is an investigator at Universidade
de Lisboa where he attends a PhD in Urbanism, dividing his life
between Lisbon and Barcelona, while practicing architecture at 19X
Instagram - yourispaninksamaro
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